Stress Reduction Energy Exercise #3

Hello Angel Friends, This is day 3 of the energy exercises the angels have asked me to share with you. If you haven’t read about exercise 1 or exercise 2, why not go back and read it now? EXERCISE 3: LAZY 8’s EYE ROLL Lazy 8’s is an exercise that balances the right and leftContinue reading “Stress Reduction Energy Exercise #3”

Why Wait for Thanksgiving

Dear Angel Friends, The angels ask us “Why wait for Thanksgiving to count your blessings?” This is a very good point. Many of us do give thanks for all that’s good in our lives and we do so, often. But many of us don’t. It’s not that we aren’t grateful for the many blessings weContinue reading “Why Wait for Thanksgiving”

Angels and Stones

Dear Angel Friends, If you want to increase the intensity of your connection with one of the Sacred Seven and/or your birth guardian, hold their associated stone in your receiving hand (left if you are right-handed and right if you are left-handed). Place the stone in your hand and bring it to your heart, coverContinue reading “Angels and Stones”

Angel Messages and Clairvoyance

Dear Angel Friends, The angels send messages in ways that you are best able to receive them. Some people receive through “sight” while others receive by “hearing, feeling or knowing.” Today the angels want me to talk about receiving Clairvoyant messages. Clairvoyance refers to seeing your messages, or “clear seeing.” You may “see” through yourContinue reading “Angel Messages and Clairvoyance”

Haniel’s Healing Heart

Dear Angel Friends, If you’re experiencing low level emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, frustration, low self-esteem, depression or feelings of being overwhelmed, call to Archangel Haniel for help. If your heart has been broken due to a relationship split, the death of a loved one, or even through some sort of disappoint – orContinue reading “Haniel’s Healing Heart”

Monday’s Gabriel

Hello Angel Friends, As many of you know Archangel Gabriel is guardian to those born on a Monday. But if you weren’t born on Monday, you can still call Gabriel into your life to help you achieve your hopes and dreams. One of the ways I’ve worked with Gabriel is in helping me develop aContinue reading “Monday’s Gabriel”